Some info about stuff I do in my free time.
I’ve been interested in Computing since I was 5. The main drive for it was being able to jump into a different world from the one around us.
It has evolved, -or devolved depending on who you ask- into having a miniature Datacenter in my basement. I currently have: Dell R610, R620, three Six Intel NUC’s, one Hardkernel H3+, and one RPi 4 as compute,
Then I have a Synology DS920+ dedicated to storage(48TB).
3X node of NUCS running Proxmox VE as a hypervisor | Cluster name: Clusterfart
Hostname1: ClusterNode1
Hostname2: ClusterNode2
Hostname3: ClusterNode3
- Ubuntu Server
- Runs local Ubuntu software repository
- Arch Linux
- Runs local AUR and Arch software repository
- Windows 10
- To run my Windows software. I have a USB controller assigned to this VM so I can run some Amateur Radio software in tandem with radio control
- Runs Schedulix ESP (Open Source Event Scheduler)
- Mumble Server
- Voip server, Mainly for game chat.
- LXC containers with inline cron jobs to source compule to the latest stable release. The containers consist of:
- Plex \
- Sonarr \
- Radarr \ _______________________________
- Lidarr ---| Also known as the ARR stack |
- NZBGet / ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
- Flood /
- Jackett /
~~ - FreePBX - To connect to a private phone network ~~
- Matrix Server on Alpine Linux
- Chat Server for my friends and I.
- Minecraft server on Alpine Linux
- Obvious reasons
- Kali Linux
- For playing around with
- Cloudflare Tunnels Zero Trust set up for SD-WAN like access in a docker container.
- VPN’s are outdated.
- Windows 10 (With “uncomprimised” install snapshot)
- Testing Windows Vulnerabilities with a VM that has
applications installed initially.
- Testing Windows Vulnerabilities with a VM that has
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Testing Linux software Vulnerabilities on a System that has the
Web Server software installed.
- Testing Linux software Vulnerabilities on a System that has the
- Roon Server on Ubuntu Server 20.04
- High Res music server and stream integration service.
- LinuxGSM on Alpine Linux
- Game Server Manager for 100+ multiplayer games.
NUC 1: Debian Stable | Hostname: MusicBox
- Volumio
- Music player
- Topping D90 / A90 stack
- Music player
NUC 2: Compute agent for Schedulix | Hostname ForestGump
Main tasks include:
- Recursively mirroring 10 websites daily and uploading to
- Mower County Jail Roster
- City Of Austin
- Austin Daily Herald
- Various Twitter accounts
- Winworld
- RadioReference frequency databases organized by state.
- Ham radio manufacturers, for purposes of service manuals.
- Running backup jobs for my network configurations, and data to a Hetzner backup server.
- Rsync endpoints to the NAS
- Rsync NAS to Hetzner
- Rsync endpoints to the NAS
NUC 3: High Avail / failover for NUC 2 | Hostname: Jenny
Hardkernel H3+:
Raspberry Pi 8gb running Ubuntu 20.04 | Hostname: Gibson
- (temporary) Plex testing server, to see how well it works on ARM
- TK4 System370 Mainframe emulator.
- Speedo: A tool I wrote to take an hourly and speed test, and puts them in a LibreOffice spreadsheet to give me daily averages in charts for Latency, and bandwidth throughput.
All of this is tied to the internet via a multi-NIC machine running PFSense. It’s a lack luster set up as my network is small. But the best feature allows me to wireguard VPN into my house so I don’t have to expose any ports aside from two UDP ports. One for the Linode tunnel, and one for the Direct connection.
The other moderators of Ham Radio Crash Course and I started the Ham Radio Crash Course Wiki, (Still a work in Progress as we all have full time + jobs and limited free time as it is) It’s a central repository that will have a large base of knowledge for all things Ham Radio. This started due to us needing a centralized resource that wasnt tied to any resources we lacked full control over. the reason we chose Wiki.js as the platform is due to it’s more modern interface compared to MediaWiki, ease of install / configuration, and it’s portability to any other Wiki platform due to the use of Markdown as the source material.
Art Bell Live
I have insomnia. This radio program (Coast To Coast AM) talks about the parannormal, and spooky things of the world. I wrote up a 90’s esque site, and offer a radio stream for other insomniacs. Almost 10k views. Kinda cool. It uses Icecast on the backend for the audio stream. I have spent years finding, buying tapes of the shows and digitizing them for listening. This also simulcasts on a Part 15 certified FM transmitter at my house So I can set a sleep timer on my alarm clock radio and listen to it as I fall asleep without headphones or network connected gear.
Active in the Libre Space ideaological paradigm
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